Co-director 2020-2021
SPACEMAKER II is a hybrid form of a gallery, and independent artist research development space, and community gathering hub. At our core, we are the conduits for making space. SPACEMAKER II offers a radiating platform for local artists to bring to light the products of their obsessions, experiences, and personal histories.
SPACEMAKER II is located in a detached garage between Euclid Avenue and Palmerston Avenue. The entrance is accessible via an unnamed alleyway sandwiched between these two streets. This alleyway connects to Dundas Street West and Palmerston Avenue. For a visual guide on the location of SPACEMAKER II, please refer to the map below
The exact coordinates of SPACEMAKER II are 43°39'00.5"N 79°24'29.1"W. Seekers of the space copy these coordinates and paste them into the map software on their phones for specific directions.

100 Palmerston Ave (back entrance)
Toronto, Ontario