September 2017 - November 2018
V.S. studios formed within the warehouse once belonging to emerging artist collective VSVSVS.
Though shortlived, the 7 unit warehouse was used as a platform for expiramental curatorial projects, performances, and studio space for inhabiting artists. I am privledged to have spent one year in this amazing space as both a curator and artist.
Group show
November 10 2018

As a last hurrah for the V.S. studio warehouse, members of v.s. studios hosted the work of 20+ artists within. Nooks, crannies, stairwells and hidden rooms were animated to bring viewers behind the scenes of the multi-dimensional studio that had culminated through years of the rotating resident emerging artists.
As part of the submission process, artists were asked to respond to this question: How do you feel?
These are some of their responses:
How I feel depends on many variables
I feel immortal
Through emotion, pressure, tacticity, nostalgia. I have a long list of feelings
I feel angry you couldn’t keep out of my body and stay out of my head
Lost in translation
I feel immortal
Through emotion, pressure, tacticity, nostalgia. I have a long list of feelings
I feel angry you couldn’t keep out of my body and stay out of my head
Lost in translation
I don’t feel anymore, there is just an absence
There isn’t a name for the feeling, but it’t having an awareness that the most important thing ever to happen is about to happen. It sits somehwere between bliss and terror
I feel blue and I feel red
There isn’t a name for the feeling, but it’t having an awareness that the most important thing ever to happen is about to happen. It sits somehwere between bliss and terror
I feel blue and I feel red
I’m honestly offended that God would curse humanity with the indignity of the digestive system. The fact that I have to consume/digest/eliminate every day fils me with rage and disgust, and nowhere to direct my anger ecept my artwork. Related bodily functions (burps, farts stomache aches, hiccups etc.) add insult to injury
Confused that someone who claimed to love nd care for me, could say such horrible things to me. I’m astonished tat even today, someone so young could hold such outdated conservative views and make me seem like a mindess robot for believing and supporting liberal ideas
I feel tired
I feel tired
Organizers: Leonard Walsh, Caroline Popiele, and Samantha Jones
Documentation: Merlin D. Boissonneault
Participating Artists: Yan Wen Chang, Olivia Mossuto, Jill Smith, Deirdre Morrison, Mark Liam Smith, Rebecca Payne, Sanjit Dhillon, Maddie Lychek, Hana Elmisry, Anastasia Sokolyk, Ana Bernardez, Jaime Pattison, Nevena Niagolove, Jeremy Saya, Aileen deVries, Evan Hutchinson, Denica Veselinova, Courtney Gillatly, Gabrielle Leighton, Mira Pedari, Eric Chengyang, Amanda Lindenbach, Maxilimilian Suillerot Wilke, Robyn Bedoford, Lenox Daley, Sarah Katz, Emily Harrison